Some time ago, since I started working with people who wanted to control their weight, I have been introducing the concept of emotional nutrition.
This emotional nutrition has nothing to do with what you eat. Nor would on the contrary, because it is not.
This emotional nutrition relates to the need of pleasure that we have in life. Pleasure is needed, in this level of terrestrial existence.
The emotional nutrition makes us rest in these stages of suffering or sacrifice that life brings us.
Buddha said: "There is pleasure and there is bliss. Renounce the first to create the second."
I suggest not, in an initial phase, such sacrifice. What I suggest is the creation and activation of other pleasures, superior to other more carnal and primitive pleasures.
What I suggest is to seek and activate other pleasures as the pursuit of smile, the encounter with nature, the meeting with the culture and with the intelligence, and the voluntary assistance, the creation of good moments ...
If you like to go to the movies go, if you like to walk through the mountain walk, if you like to write write, if you like to sing sing, if you like to help help, if you like to be with your friends be, if you like to read a good book read ...
Nourish yourself emotionally. With a big advantage: the emotional nutrition is not parasitic but symbiotic, when you nourish yourself emotionally you nourish your system/environment.
Nourish yourself now !
This emotional nutrition has nothing to do with what you eat. Nor would on the contrary, because it is not.
This emotional nutrition relates to the need of pleasure that we have in life. Pleasure is needed, in this level of terrestrial existence.
The emotional nutrition makes us rest in these stages of suffering or sacrifice that life brings us.
Buddha said: "There is pleasure and there is bliss. Renounce the first to create the second."
I suggest not, in an initial phase, such sacrifice. What I suggest is the creation and activation of other pleasures, superior to other more carnal and primitive pleasures.
What I suggest is to seek and activate other pleasures as the pursuit of smile, the encounter with nature, the meeting with the culture and with the intelligence, and the voluntary assistance, the creation of good moments ...
If you like to go to the movies go, if you like to walk through the mountain walk, if you like to write write, if you like to sing sing, if you like to help help, if you like to be with your friends be, if you like to read a good book read ...
Nourish yourself emotionally. With a big advantage: the emotional nutrition is not parasitic but symbiotic, when you nourish yourself emotionally you nourish your system/environment.
Nourish yourself now !