Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Emotional Nutrition

Some time ago, since I started working with people who wanted to control their weight, I have been introducing the concept of emotional nutrition.
This emotional nutrition has nothing to do with what you eat. Nor would on the contrary, because it is not.
This emotional nutrition relates to the need of pleasure that we have in life. Pleasure is needed, in this level of terrestrial existence.
The emotional nutrition makes us rest in these stages of suffering or sacrifice that life brings us.
Buddha said: "There is pleasure and there is bliss. Renounce the first to create the second."
I suggest not, in an initial phase, such sacrifice. What I suggest is the creation and activation of other pleasures, superior to other more carnal and primitive pleasures.
What I suggest is to seek and activate other pleasures as the pursuit of smile, the encounter with nature, the meeting with the culture and with the intelligence, and the voluntary assistance, the creation of good moments ...
If you like to go to the movies go, if you like to walk through the mountain walk, if you like to write write, if you like to sing sing, if you like to help help, if you like to be with your friends be, if you like to read a good book read ...
Nourish yourself emotionally. With a big advantage: the emotional nutrition is not parasitic but symbiotic, when you nourish yourself emotionally you nourish your system/environment.
Nourish yourself now !
Public Lectures (non-paid attendance) - portuguese
>> "Hipnose - De Observador a Criador de Pensamentos" - 13 de Dezembro - 21h00 - Lisboa CHCI Centro de Hipnose Clínica Ibérico

Next Workshops (portuguese)
>> 15th November - 10h-17h - Sintra (Quinta dos Lobos) - Portugal

> 17th and 18th December -
19h00/22h00 - Porto - (MRS Porto - Sá da Bandeira)

> 27th and 28th December -
19h00/22h00 - Lisboa CHCI Centro de Hipnose Clínica Ibérico

> 29th December -
10h-17h - Lisboa CHCI Centro de Hipnose Clínica Ibérico
(more info in Portuguese)

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ce blog en français (prochainement)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A new dream

Dare !

Saturday, November 10, 2007

How to handle with fears (I)

If you have fears, follow the instructions:
1-choose the most important fear
2-see it well, in your mind, or see it really
3-face it
4-flecte the knees
5-open up your eyes - almost staring at it
6-prepare yourself to hit your chest, arms and legs
7-prepare yourself to jump, to bang your feet on the ground and to stick your tongue out
8-begin to present it your voice high and severe, telling something like: (choreography by your account)

Ka mate Ka mate
It is the death It is the death

Ka ora Ka ora
It is life It is life

Ka mate Ka mate
It is the death It is the death

Ka ora Ka ora
It is life It is life

Tenei Te Tangata Puhuruhuru
This is the great hairy man
(Tribal leader)

Nana i tiki May whakawhiti te ra
The one who has caused the Sun to shine again for me

Upane Upane
Go up Go up

Upane Kaupane
To the top !

Whiti te ra
And the sun shines!

(See explanatory video)

9 - if after this the fear is still in front of you, repeat the above procedure.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Does your problem have a solution ?

"Does your problem have a solution ? If it does... why worry ?
Doesn´t have a solution ? Why worry ?"
Chinese Proverb


Eels - "Fresh feeling"

The procrastination sofa (Reebok)

procrastinate verb [I]
to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring: I know I've got to deal with the problem at some point - I'm just procrastinating
postpone doing something: to postpone doing something, especially as a regular practice

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Condition to courage

I often hear from some people who I work with, something like: "I have no courage to do so." Very often.
But it is interesting to note the courage they have to suffer the consequences of not doing so. They are the brave silents.
The braves who prefer to suffer in silence, inflicting themselves the consequences of not acting for change.
Braves that have the strength or will to accept in silence what worries them. That have the power to accept an alternative to action, which allegedly will cause suffer to another person. Although it will probably continue perpetuating suffering to them and to others.
Braves who have the "bravery" to project their frustrations on others that have nothing to do with the source of these frustrations.
Braves who prefer to get sick because they repress their feelings. Because the alternative would be talking about something that could disturb someone else.
Braves who prefer tolerate instead of drawing attention to something that is not right.
Braves who prefer to criticize rather than suggesting what can be done better.

The courage is an innate quality that normally people use in the most demanding way: against themselves.
Using it for their own good and for the good of those around them is a liberating exercise, which brings more responsibility but also makes us more happy, more attentive to life and the good things life has to give.
The courage is in our matrix, in our being, in our cells, but we often misuse it. And we also make a big effort on misusing it.

That is why people that most of his life suffered in silence, have the conditions to talk without shouting. And to accept that can make changes.
People who are frustrated, can create and produce the well-being.
Who is patient by repressing feelings, can speak and have the conditions to be healthy.
Who tolerated, can draw attention to what is not being welldone.
One who criticized, can suggest and help to build.
One who used his courage against himself, can use it in a liberating way.

One who for years have exercised his courage against himself, has the condition and the responsibility to let flow the courage to his own well-being.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference. "
Reinhold Niebuhr